Testing SAML2 Bearer Grant Flow for a Federated User with WSO2 Identity Server 5.10.0

Shanika Wickramasinghe
3 min readFeb 25, 2020


  1. Get an IS with access URL https://localhost:9443/carbon/ as Primary IS.
  2. Get another IS and change the offset with 1 in deployment.toml as below

offset = “1”

3. In Secondary IS created in setp 2 register a SP with OAUTH/Openid connect as below.

4. In Primary IS created in step 1 register travelocity as a SP

5. In Primary IS register the IS created in step 2 as a IDP with federated authenticator OAUTH2/openid connect


Here client id and secret values are taken from the SP registered in secondary IS in step 2

6. Register playground as a SP in Primary IS with inbound authenicator OAuth/Openid connect

Now in the SP travelocity register the created IDP as a federated authenticator from local and outbound configuratios

7. In tomcat deploy travelocity.war and playground.war

8. In travelocity.properties file add the below configs


#OAuth2 Client ID
OAuth2.ClientId=<client id of the playground app registred as SP in primary IS >

#OAuth2 Client Secret
OAuth2.ClientSecret=<client secret of the playground app registred as SP in primary IS >

9. In Primary IS deployment.toml add the below config

user_type= “FEDERATED”

9. Now access http://localhost:8080/travelocity.com

While accessing keep saml tracer opened

Login to the application with the federated user credentials shanika:shanika

Copy the SAML response and decode it with https://www.base64decode.net/

Copy the decoded saml2 assertion

<saml2:Assertion ID=”_1078c8c4315ea080e0662cac6c7b908f” </saml2:Assertion>

Use the Bbase 64 URL encode to encode the copied assertion

Now use the below CURL Request or Postman request to obtain the access token. (You can also obtain the access token using the Travelocity apps UI as mentioned in doc [1]

In the request Assertion value is the value obtained by URL encoding the saml2 assertion value


Get the clinetid:clientsecret value and base 64 encode it. Get these 2 values from the Playground app registered as SP in primary IS

[1]. https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/next/learn/setting-up-a-saml2-bearer-assertion-profile-for-oauth-2.0/



Shanika Wickramasinghe
Shanika Wickramasinghe

Written by Shanika Wickramasinghe

Senior Software Engineer and Freelance Technical Writer. I write about any Computer Science related topic. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanikawickramasinghe

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